Pupil Rights Group
Meet the members of the Pupil Rights Group
- Y3: Jesse and Rose
- Y4: Grace and Henry
- Y5: Dexter TS and Olly M
- Y6: Lucas and Autumn

Already this year we have explored;
The Pupil Rights Group have been incredibly busy since the start of the year. In the autumn term they have:
- Taken suggestions from classmates about positive changes they would like to see in the school like a ‘buddy bench’ for the playground, new dinner time and after school clubs and netting for our all-weather pitch.
- Took our School Governors on a guided tour around the school.
- Met with our local Member of Parliament Yasmin Qureshi to discuss changes they would like to see in our local area.
- Contributed to our school action plan for how we can become a Rights Respecting School for which we have already achieved the bronze award!
Well done team, we couldn’t be more proud of the difference you are making!